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American Stoneware
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appraisal clinics always interesting
It is hard to say 'no' to family. So, once more I found myself in my hometown of Rockville, Ind., as part of an appraisal event to raise money for the Parke County Mental Health Association. One of my aunt's is part of the association and she asked me to participate for the second year

You always seem some truly great items at an appraisal clinic and you do meet some interesting people.

This year a lady asked me, "where are the people I see on channel 3?" Momentarily confused, it suddenly occurred to me she was talking about the Antiques Roadshow on TV. When I asked her if she was looking for the people on the Roadshow, she brightened and said, 'yes.'

No where on the advertising for this event had it said "roadshow." it just was advertised as an appraisal clinic. The woman was very disappointed to discover we were not the people from tv.

Then there are always the people who want to fool you. I was looking at a round ceramic item that I admitted I knew nothing about, but that I would hazard a guess. After I said what I thought it was, the woman gleefully informed me that she had taken it to an Antiques Roadshow event 4 years ago and I was totally wrong in my assessment. I had to wonder why she bothered to pay $5 for me to look at the item. But, I just smiled and thanked her for coming.

But, I love to see what comes in. I got to handle a Hubley Lindy airplane that was in fabulous condition. A toy book listed it at $1,000 plus, but I couldn't find a recent selling price online. I also saw a great turtle spittoon.

Most people are so grateful for any information you can tell them. I showed the owner of a Shawnee Puss n Boots cookie jar some information on Shawnee and showed her all the other Puss n Boots items she could collect. Another woman had a Watt Pottery spaghetti set and was thrilled just to find out the word 'watt' on the bottom of the bowls indicated the maker. I was also able to tell her the pattern decoration on her set.

Then there are the people who say, "is that all." when you tell them what their item is worth. One woman had a reproduction set of Victorian style children's blocks and I could tell she did not believe me. I have a set in AntiqueWeek's reproduction exhibit, but she felt certain hers were really old.

Look for photos of some of the items I saw in an upcoming Circa column in AntiqueWeek.

7/30/2006 1:00:19 PM
Comments For This Post
Posted by  morris  on 8/19/2006 6:32:20 PM
I have been appraising as a major part of my business for almost five years now. I donate my time to appraisal fairs throughout the area because it is good advertising for my work and because it is usually fun. I have also had people who have brought items for me to appraise who have taken the item to several other appraisal fairs. Why people do this confuses me...perhaps it is for attention or perhaps they are fishing for that higher appraisal. We all know (tongue in cheek) the best appraiser is the one who suggests the highest value for your item. Most people are genuine with their interest and appreciate any information which can be offered. I find it a treasure hunt and always return with some amazing story to add to my patter about finds on the job.
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