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American Stoneware
Blog Entry
Doubt cast on Civil War collectibles
I used to collect American Civil War artifacts with a friend using a metal detector in the Fredericksburg area, as well as purchase items from dealers. But the quality of later items I purchased became suspect, so I ceased collecting altogether. I cannot help but feel sceptical about many objects I see offered for sale today by auction houses and dealers. Surely not all of these objects offered for sale can be of the period they are supposed to represent. For example, the number of Confederate battle flags offered and their condition would indicate that nearly every other soldier carried one in his knapsack. Buckles and buttons too, often appear to be restrikes. I fear that it is the age-old question of supply increasing to meet demand. One should not believe a tale about an object just because it is told by a third party. The prices being paid indicate that someone is doing very nicely out of this trade.
10/23/2006 11:44:03 AM
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